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Turnkey & Portable

With SATR you get instant installation. This is, literally, a turnkey solution!

indoor laser tag vest and phaserBecause of SATR's ingenious peer-to-peer system (where any gaming gun can act as a master controller), there is no single point of failure. The technology is completely mobile and versatile, so we can also run at your fair, theme park, FEC or practically any other attraction. There is no central computer.

No complicated installation. It scales to big groups. In SATR3 you can have up to 8 groups playing in close quarters without cross-fire. More, with our gaming inflatables which can create a visually stunning 3D gaming arena. No more sneaking around in the dark with lots of neon. The full-sized inflatable doorways, windows, walls, pillboxes have authentic skins and clip together to form a portable arena. Now your gamers can experience room-clearing and close quarters gaming inside a maze that can be easily re-designed. You can adjust the terrain to suit the scenario, or event theme, or just so the live gaming experience is always fresh. You can also take a portion of your arsenal to the local village fair for promotional events.

Overall there is a lower cost of ownership.

One of the major weaknesses of the old indoor Laser Tag model was the problems of trying to move a maze when your business had to change premises due to expansion, downsizing or failure to renew lease on existing premises.

Because the SATR system is 100% portable you can re-use your facility and space. For example, during the day you can use the site for, say, a business meeting or sporting match, and then in the evening set up the laser tag games.